Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself Pdf

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“Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself is a powerful blend of leading-edge science and real-life applications woven into the perfect formula for everyday living. The hierarchy of scientific knowledge tells us that when new discoveries change what we know about the atom, what we know of ourselves and our brains must change as well.

  1. Download Summary of Joe Dispenza s Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Milkyway Media Books now! Available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One (2012) by Dr. Joe Dispenza is a self-help book about shaking off negativity and using meditation to effect positive change.
  2. Hay House, Inc, 2012. In Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza is your guide to optimize both the hardware and software of your brain to help you reach a new state of mind. His new book is based on solid science, and he continues to speak with kindness and wisdom, as he.

Welcome to my Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself Review & Summary by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Dr. Joe Dispenza is also the best-selling author of Evolve Your Brain: The Science Of Changing Your Mind. Unlike Charles Duhigg’s ‘The Power Of Habits’ which talks about forming and breaking habits in general, Dr. Joe Dizpenza talks about one habit only. The number one habit that we need to break is the habit of being ourselves: how we can lose our mind and create a new one.

Even I was expecting similar concepts and principles as ‘The Power Of Habits’ but this book is completely different. Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show you the full potential of what we can do with our own mind and our results.

This book is divided into 3 part. First, you’ll learn the science behind what makes us do what we do and how we think. Second, you’ll learn how our brain and meditations can directly (yes, I said directly) affect who we become and achieve in the future. Third, you’ll learn exactly what to do and how to do it to start the process of breaking the old you and creating a new you.

My Opinion Of ‘Breaking The Habits Of Being Yourself’

With words like quantum physics, the universe, energy waves and even meditation, I can see how this could be a bit of a turn off for a lot of people. I get it, I used to feel the same. However, after reading this book, I must say that it was quite interesting. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that I believe 100% of all the quantum physics or universe concepts but that’s not what I’m looking for.

My intention when reading this book was to learn how I can apply certain strategies and techniques to better my life. With this in mind, there were just so many profound concepts in this book that I almost found myself highlighting every single page. Again, I just took concepts which I thought could help me. If I didn’t like something or thought the ideas were woo-woo, I simply ignored it and moved on.

Similar to many things I learnt through neuroscience, the biggest idea I got from this book is that everything starts with our thoughts and imagination. As long as we keep thinking we are who we are, we will always be who we are. But if we can apply the strategies in this book and imagine us being a new person, the neurons, the cells, the chemical reaction, the energy waves and all that will help us manifest into the new person.

I also love how Dr. Joe Dispenza dedicated part 3 to helping us with the ‘how to’. The first two parts are designed to convince us and teach us everything we need to know but part 3 is the actual action plan we can do along with him to apply the concepts. As tempting as it is, my advice for you when reading this book is not to skip to part 3 because part 1 and 2 are the basics. We first need to understand how everything works before we can start applying it.

Who I Recommend This Book To

Since this book is all about breaking old bad habits and creating new empowering habits for a better future, I recommend this book to everyone who simply wants to better themselves. However, if you’re a scientist or a skeptic when it comes to neuroscience, manifestation or mediation and just want straight facts and answers, this book may not be for you. I’m not saying that what he teaches is not true, I’m just saying that it may not resonate with you.

Now, if you would like to read and enjoy the book with no spoilers, feel free to stop reading this post and grab ‘Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself’ by Dr. Joe Dispenza here. On the other hand, if you would like to study the book, continue reading below. I will share my summary and study notes below. It’s designed to help you feel like you’ve read the entire book and understand the top key concepts without even actually reading the book. Below I will break down my top 5 Big Ideas from the book.

Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself Summary & Study Notes


Big Idea #1: To Change Your Life, Change Your Thoughts

This idea is actually in the very first chapter of the book. Dr. Joe Dispenza starts off explaining how our beliefs or thoughts, lead to our feelings which lead to our actions which ultimately leads to our results. This is exactly the same as the concept of ‘TFAR’ in T. Harv Eker’s book ‘The Millionaire Mind”. However, instead of giving simple practical examples, Dr. Joe Dispenza uses the concept of Quantum Physics and other physics concepts to prove this point.

Basically, everything in the physical universe is made up of subatomic particles such as electrons. These particles exist as pure potential. They are in their wave state when they’re not being observed. These particles are potential ‘everything’ and ‘nothing’ until they are observed. Hence everything in our physical reality exists as pure potential. What Dispenza means by being ‘observed’ is when we don’t actively look out for it. But when we do see it and ‘observe’ it, we can start to act upon it.

What this ultimately implies is that the quantum field or the universe for this matter contains a reality in anything you want. So if you want to become a millionaire, the universe contains a reality in which you are a millionaire. And since our consciousness has effects on energy, we are powerful enough to influence matter. (I know this is a bit too technical but stay with me).

Now, the whole point of using this concept of quantum physics is to prove only one point. We can master our skills of observation to intentionally affect our destiny, our life, and our results. In this case, Dispenza uses ‘observation’ to mean we can master what we ‘focus’ on to change our results. To quote Henry Ford:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right” – Henry Ford

For example, I had a friend who was quite miserable at his job. He wanted a pay rise but didn’t think he’d deserve it so he would never ask. A month later, something happened at work and he was blamed for something he didn’t do. He was really mad and thought staying in this job just isn’t worth it for the amount of pay he was getting. So he wanted to quit. But before he quit, he asked for a pay rise first because he had nothing to lose. To his surprise, his boss actually gave him a 10% pay rise. He was delighted and didn’t end up quitting.

Now the sudden change in his thoughts to think of himself worthy of getting a pay rise – was the change in his skill to ‘observe’, his ability to change his ‘focus’. He first focused on how he wasn’t worth an increase in salary to focussing on the fact that the job wasn’t worth him staying. Dispenza says that that the potential of him getting that salary increase was always there. It was there even when he was miserable a month earlier. In fact, even if his job would say no, there still exists a potential situation in the universe where he’d get a 10% pay increase. Maybe this would’ve been through another job. Whatever it is you want, the potential is there. The only missing link is whether we have the ability to ‘observe’, to change our ‘focus’ to look it or not.

Big Idea #2: Live Your Desired New Future In the Present

Dispenza teaches us that our brain doesn’t know the difference between the internal world (what we imagine in our heads) to what we experience in the external environment. That is, our thoughts can become our experience. This is what Napoleon Hill also said in his book Think & Grow Rich. The reason why we think how we think and do what we do is not that of who we are. Remember, we only act because of our thoughts. This concept is extremely important because as quoted above, we can imagine ourselves being someone totally different. We can imagine a more successful life with more confidence, with more friends and so on. This is a very similar concept of “The New Self Image” by Maxwell Maltz in his book Psycho-Cybernetics.

When explaining these kinds of concepts, I like to break it down even more. In layman’s terms, if you’re able to imagine success and everything that it involves in vivid details, even down to the amount of money and house structure. And live that life in the present, meaning living that success right now in the present regardless of your situations, you will manifest it. For example if you want to become a millionaire. Think of how a millionaire would think, act, do, how their house would look like etc. First act in that way. And you will slowly attract the quantum potential of you being a millionaire into your life. It’s like, first you have to be a millionaire kind of person to actually become a millionaire.

Now, I know this may sound very weird and bit B.S. but here are some examples that you may relate to. Thin of manifesting like dating. For example, imagine your perfect ideal partner in life. You don’t really care about the nitty gritty of how they look but you have to be attracted to them and they have to have the same values and be ambitious in life. Now imagine if they existed, what would they want in their perfect partner? They would want you to also be established. Be caring. Be funny. All that. So even if you’d meet your perfect partner in real life, you’d miss your chance because you’re not the type of person they’re looking for. Chances are even if they’d walk past you on the streets, you won’t even see or notice them because deep down you don’t think you deserve them so you don’t look out for them. Hence think of manifesting like dating. You have to become first, then you will receive.

So applying this concept to the previous scenario with my friend wanting to earn 100k, if he just acted, and thought of himself as already being a 100k type of person, asking for that pay rise would be a no brainer to him. Another example is if you want to become a public speaker – the kind that gets invited speak on TED Talks. First treat yourself as that kind of person already and you will slowly see more opportunities to public speak. It’s all about changing our focus to become better ‘observers’ so that we can attract our goal into our life.

These questions will help you find your desired new future. Also, when you’re done answering these questions and have a better understanding what your new desired future looks like. Remember not to live in the future but to bring it to the present. Live it in the present and feel the emotions, feel the happiness and feel everything that comes with it. More importantly, act and think like you’re living in the future but in the present. So when choices comes up and when situations arrives, deal with them as if the future you is dealing with them.

Big Idea #3: Three Brains: From Thinking To Doing To Being

We have three brains. The first brain is the Neocortex, which is responsible for our thoughts. The second brain is the Limbic brain, which is responsible for our emotions. The third brain is the Cerebellum, which is responsible for our habitual thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors.

And this is how we learn things. First, we think about the new concept, then we act on the new concept. Once we act on it enough, we can be the new concept. For example, you don’t want to have as much of a temper anymore so instead you want to learn how to be more compassionate. So you immerse yourself in studying compassionate people like Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama. Everything on how they think, act and what they believed. Now you know exactly how to think like them.

The second step after thinking is doing. So a situation comes up where your partner does something you extremely hate. If that was the old you, you would’ve started an argument. But since you just studied how to be compassionate, you start to act compassionately instead. At this stage, Dispenza explains that the act of doing represents us teaching our body what our mind has learned. So the first step was for the mind to learn. This second step is for the body to learn.

But acting compassionate in only one situation doesn’t necessarily make you a compassionate person. So what you have to do is act it out repeatedly. Only when you act compassionate repeatedly enough, you’ll move on to ‘being‘ compassionate. At this stage, Dispenza explains you no longer have to think of being compassionate, you just are. Being is when your body acts without needing a signal from the mind. It’s natural, routine, second nature and unconscious.

He goes further to say that to master being is when our internal chemical state is greater than anything in our external world. That is no matter how many times someone pushes your buttons or no matter how messy the house looks, nothing in your external environment can make you get mad since you want to be compassionate.

And the thing is this might sound foreign to you. As if ‘mastery’ is something very difficult to achieve. But the truth is, we have attained the mastery level. Just not on traits we might like. In fact Dispenza says ‘if you can master suffering, you can just as easily master joy’ – Dr. Joe DispenzaTo demonstrate this I have to give you this example from the book which I find demonstrates this so well and at the same time is hilarious.

‘If you can master suffering, you can just as easily master joy’ – Dr. Joe Dispenza

To demonstrate this I have to give you this example from the book which I find demonstrates this so well and at the same time is hilarious.

You probably know someone who has mastered suffering, right? So you call her and ask, “How are you?” She answers “So-So.” You go on and say “Listen, I’m going to go out with some friends to a new art gallery and then eat at this restaurant that has really healthy desserts. Afterward, we’re going to listen to some live music. Would you like to come with us?” And after a long pause, your friend answers “No. I don’t feel like it.”

But if she said what she actually meant, she’d say, I’ve memorized this emotional state, and nothing in my environment – no person, no experience, no condition, no thing – is going to move me from my internal chemical state of suffering. It feels better to be in pain than to let go and be happy. I am enjoying my addiction fo rnow, and all these things that you want to do might distract me from my exmotional dependency.

So guess what? We can just as easily master an internal chemical state such as joy or compassion as we can and we do for suffering. This also goes mastering our internal state of thinking we’re not good enough. Which is the most common internal state most of us have.

Big Idea #4: The Identity Gap

This was one of my favorite ideas from the book. I could resonate with this idea. Dispenza starts off the chapter by telling us what kind of person he used to be before all of this. He had the money, he had the job, he traveled around the world to teach and he had a great family. From the outside, it looked like his life was perfect. But even he didn’t know why even having the perfect life didn’t make him happy. And no it didn’t have anything to do with being grateful for what he had. It was the fact that there was a huge gap in his two identities.

Dispenza explains that everyone has two identities: The first is the identity of how you see yourself. The second is the identity of how you appear to others. There’s a gap because we usually don’t want others to see who we truly are inside. So it’s like we put on this front and have two identities. The thing is the second identity was actually created by us to hide our first identity. But now and then the first identity (our true identity) comes out and we try suppressing it further by changing our external world. But what we actually have to do is change our internal world. Dispenza defines happiness as closing this gap.

The gap was created because we memorized many emotional layers such as unworthiness, anger, fear, shame, self-doubt, and guilt. Hence our life’s aim is to close this gap. To really show who we truly are inside. This is what will make us ultimately fulfilled. Being self-expressed creates happiness. And we can do this by unlearning and un-memorizing these emotional states.

We can do it the long way as explained in Big Idea #3, but the faster way, which is to skip from thinking to just being can be done through meditation. That’s when Dispenza introduces his Step By Step Meditation Guide to do just that.

Big Idea #5: Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself Through Meditation

Dispenza explains that one of the main purposes of meditation is to go beyond the conscious mind and enter the subconscious mind, in order to change self-destructive habits, behaviors, belief, emotional reactions, attitudes, and unconscious states of being. That is, we can skip the doing, to go straight from thinking to being.

The power of meditation actually allows us to become more observant within ourselves. It allows us to break our emotional bond with the body, the environment and time. This helps with “Breaking The Habits Of Being Yourself” and helps with creating new thoughts and emotions that are congruent with the new future you. We can actually skip the acting part and just move into being through meditation.

Hence Part 3 of the book includes a step-by-step guide to Meditation. It’s a 6-week program where Dr. Joe Dispenza shares tools, resources, how to and the reason behind everything. Unlike other books that only just have concepts and little action plans. Dr. Joe Dispenza has gone out of his way to explain every little step and to designing a meditation specifically aimed to have you break the habit of being yourself. He even includes guided meditations and many other resources on his website to help best perform this meditation.


As you can see Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself reviews concepts that are quite philosophical. I’ve read many similar books like Psycho-Cybernetics, Think & Grow Rich, Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind and The Magic Of Thinking Big just to name a few. They all share one important key concept that actions and results all start from our thoughts.

Breaking The Habits Of Being Yourself doesn’t just say statements like ‘Change your thoughts to change your life’, instead it taps into many different concepts of physics, biology, neuroscience and many others to prove that this is not just philosophical but instead a fact. A fact that not many people are taking advantage of.

I guess my last words on this is that if you’re willing to be open minded and take the book for what it is instead of nit picking every little thing and actually apply the strategies it shares, I’m certain it will have a positive impact on your life. Go ahead, give it a read and break the habit of being yourself to become the new you.

Your Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself Action Plan

  1. Choose your top 3 new traits. For example being compassionate, being bold and caring. Immerse yourself into studying on how to be just that by researching famous figures who embody that trait.
  2. Act out those 3 traits. Whenever you get a chance, ask yourself “What would a compassionate person do?” And do this. Do this enough times until you don’t need to consciously remember to be compassionate anymore. Do this for all 3 traits.
  3. Unlearn your worst 3 traits. Choose the top 3 traits that you don’t like about yourself. This could also include beliefs about yourself. Beliefs such as I’m not good enough. To unlearn it, take actions no matter how small to prove that you are good enough. And when you do, consciously write them down so you can remember it. Once you build up this bank of examples where you proved to yourself that you are good enough, slowly your old belief will just fall away. Of course, you can also do the meditation to unlearn these traits quicker. However, I’d suggest reading the book first in this case.

If you enjoyed this review and summary and would like to grab a copy of ‘Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself’ by Dr. Joe Dispenza yourself, please support me by grabbing the book by clicking here. (This is an affiliate link in which I’ll get paid a few bucks)

Your support means a lot and it will help me continue writing more reviews and summaries. Also, please leave an honest feedback below in the comment section sharing what you thought about the book. Also, be sure to apply the 5 big ideas in your life and take action on your personal action plan. It will definitely have a positive impact.

That’s it from me and I’ll talk to you soon,


P.S. If you haven’t had the chance to check out my 30 Days Success Challenge where you’ll learn how to be more, act more and have more,

You can check it out by clicking here.

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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One (2012) by Dr. Joe Dispenza is a self-help book about shaking off negativity and using meditation to effect positive change. Many people don’t realize how much their mental life directs their physical experience of the world… Purchase this in-depth summary to learn more.

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Book Summary of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza ****ORIGINAL BOOK TITLE: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza****IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not the original book, this is an executive summary / book summary of 'Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One' by Joe Dispenza ****ORIGINAL BOOK DESCRIPTION: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One Oct 21, 2016 | by Joe Dispenza and Adam Boyce | ABOUT: You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life. A new science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose. In Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, renowned author, speaker, researcher, and chiropractor Dr. Joe Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show you what is truly possible. Not only will you be given the necessary knowledge to change any aspect of yourself, but you will be taught the step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in any area of your life. Dr. Joe demystifies ancient understandings and bridges the gap between science and spirituality. Through his powerful workshops and lectures, thousands of people in 24 different countries have used these principles to change from the inside out. Once you break the habit of being yourself and truly change your mind, your life will never be the same! ****THIS IS A BOOK SUMMARY OF 'BREAKING THE HABIT OF BEING YOURSELF BY JOE DISPENZAEXECUTIVE BOOK SUMMARY BY FLASHBOOKS****ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joe Dispenza, New York Times bestselling author, researcher, and lecturer: studied biochemistry at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. He also holds a BS degree with an emphasis in Neuroscience. Dr. Dispenza also received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia, graduating magna cum laude.Dr. Dispenza's postgraduate training and continuing education has been in neurology; neuroscience; brain function and chemistry; cellular biology; memory formation; and aging and longevity. He is an invited member of Who's Who in America, an honorary member of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, the recipient of a Clinical Proficiency Citation for clinical excellence in doctor-patient relationships from Life University, and a member of Pi Tau Delta - the International Chiropractic Honor Society.****ORIGINAL BOOK AND PUBLISHER DETAILS: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One Audiobook - Unabridged Joe Dispenza (Author), Adam Boyce (Narrator), Author's Republic (Publisher) Audible Audio Edition Program Type: Audiobook Publisher: Author's Republic Audible Release Date: October 21, 2016 ASIN: B01M669PBZ Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #3 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > New Age & Spirituality > New Thought #6 in Books > Audible Audiobooks > Religion & Spirituality > New Age & Occult #30 in Books > Audible Audiobooks > Health, Mind & Body > Self-Help Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza (Author) Source ISBN: 1401938086 Publisher: Hay House (February 15, 2012) Publication Date: February 15, 2012 ASIN: B006M7A8JI Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5,607 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #6 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > New Age > New Thought #20 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > New Age & Spirituality > New Thought #42 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Self-Help > Motivational*****THIS IS A BOOK SUMMARY OF 'BREAKING THE HABIT OF BEING YOURSELF BY JOE DISPENZAEXECUTIVE BOOK SUMMARY BY FLASHBOOKS

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Breaking The Habit OF Being Yourself By Being Grateful For Your Future Dream Life is a journal to practice gratitude and use it as a tool to create the life you want. Do you feel scarcity, limitation, fear in your life? Are you scared about your future? Do you bombard yourself with thousands of negative thoughts every day? Do you now that average person has about 75.000,00 negative thoughts about yourself every day? Do you know, this daily 'habits' can cause serious ailment like depression, cancer, cardiac disease, and many others? Do you want to keep that habit for the rest of your life? Or maybe would like to feel limitless, abundant and prosperous to achieve and attract anything you want to your life? In this journal, you can find the UNIQUE formula that will divert your mind from negativity and help you the life from your wildest dreams in really 'magical' way. This is not a journal like any other with a common prompts and affirmations. It has almost forty pages to guide you, how to use this notebook, and explain why and how you should be already grateful for the future occurrences to create the life you want. The use of gratitude in some particular way can be really powerful to change your life and your mindset about the surrounding world. This is real law of attraction in action Using this journal on a daily basis, you will become: more optimistic, able to see more possibilities, not a victim but a creator of your life, more enthusiastic no matter what happens in your life, see in your failures new opportunities, relentless in aiming for your dream life. You will be taught to feel real gratitude that makes you complacent about your life. The purpose of this process is to make you believe that you can have and achieve anything you want. The basic step is to switch your body chemistry from a 'survival mode' into a 'thriving mode'. You can do that by being already grateful for the future occurrences. Everything is step by step explained for you. This journal It is necessary tool for any attractor. It is works like powerful magnet. Manifest now anything you want and feel unlimited abundance Don't wait and change your mindset now using this journal! This is your time don't waste it and feel real power in you

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Gratitude beyond your senses. A guided journal to practice gratitude and use it as a tool to create the life you want. Do you feel scarcity, limitation, fear in your life? Are you scared about your future? Do you bombard yourself with thousands of negative thoughts every day? Do you now that average person has about 75.000,00 negative thoughts about yourself every day? Do you know, this daily 'habits' can cause serious ailment like depression, cancer, cardiac disease, and many others? Do you want to keep that habit for the rest of your life? In this journal, you can find the newest gratitude formula that will divert your mind from negativity. This is not a gratitude journal like any other with a common prompt: 'Today, I am grateful for'? It has almost forty pages to guide you, how to use this notebook, and explain why and how you should be already grateful for the future occurrences to create the life you want. The use of gratitude in some particular way can be really powerful to change your life and your mindset about the surrounding world. Using this journal on a daily basis, you will become: more optimistic, able to see more possibilities, not a victim but a creator of your life, more enthusiastic no matter what happens in your life, see in your failures new opportunities, relentless in aiming for your dream life. You will be taught to feel real gratitude that makes you complacent about your life. The purpose of this process is to make you believe that you can have and achieve anything you want. The basic step is to switch your body chemistry from a 'survival mode' into a 'thriving mode'. You can do that by being already grateful for the future occurrences. Everything is step by step explained for you. Don't wait and change your mindset now using this journal!

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Make sure you 'Live your best life' in 2020 and become more confident with these easy to follow NLP psychology techniques.This is more than just a diary! It is a powerful tool that will guide you through your year, helping you develop the powerful habits needed to ensure your 2020 is your best year yet.Includes: -Information that clearly explains how to be more positive and increase your confidence.-A habit tracker encouraging you to introduce powerful life changing habits then track them ensuring you follow through.-Weekly inspirational quotes that will inspire you and remind you exactly what confidence is.-4 Steps detailing how to create the 'ideal you'-6 Daily steps designed to install and maintain confidence.This journal of empowerment uses easy to use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques and will inspire you, on a week by week basis, to be that very best version of yourself. Why settle for anything less?.Author: Nigel Heald MABNLP ABH

Master Your Emotions

Author :Stephen Appignani
ISBN :1712373544
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File Size : 76.25 MB
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FEAR, ANGER, REPUGNANCE, JOY... Emotions excite your conscience, capture and freeze it in one form, the strong ones dominate you in a coercive way, make you slave of passions and resentment. Anxiety and anguish can inhibit you to make some actions or compulsively push you towards people, things and situations. Emotionality rules your life influencing in a crucial way your rational choices, the energy of a passion can change your perception of reality, either in good or in bad. A conscious control of yourself starts from the 'control' of the emotional energy. It's necessary to learn a system to manage that force which directs your motivation, if you want to achieve success, satisfaction and serenity in life. Emotionality has to be managed and channeled towards your goals, since the vital propulsive energy is in it. By maintaining a certain attitude of conscious control, in few months, you will manage to get more freedom, not being tied anymore to negative emotions or pushed in dangerous situations from crazy passions. The control of emotionality is the first step towards a new life, where you will be the protagonist and the director of your movie at the same time. This book is a theoretical/practical manual, it starts with an introduction on will and love and it's made of two parts. In the first part is dealt the theme of the emotional control, where: You will learn to distinguish negative emotions from positive and the related variations. You will understand how the logical-identification process and its aware interruption. You will manage to make a negative emotion, a neutral emotion. You will understand how attention works. You will know what the difference from basic and cognitive emotions is. In the second part there are, in the form of metalogues between father and son, a series of metaphysical themes: The aim of life and its energy. Man's part and the nourishment of the soul. Perceptions and how to amplify them. Heart's energy. Additional shock and the Liberation If you got this far, the topic touches you, so buy the book in the version you prefer, make yourself comfortable and enjoy this educational engaging reading, enriched by suggestive illustrations.

The Thought That Changed My Life Forever

Author :Christian Guenette
ISBN :9781614482956
Genre :Self-Help
File Size : 71.72 MB
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“An inspiring book of breakthroughs and a joyful call to personal awakening . . . demonstrates the power our thoughts really have” (Jason Sugar, founder of Breakthrough Adventures, Inc.). The Thought That Changed My Life Forever is an inspirational gem highlighting the art and science of changing your mind, with a unique approach that will please both science and spirituality enthusiasts alike. It’s obvious people around the world continue to seek answers to the age-old questions: “Why are we here?” and “What is my purpose?” The Thought book not only offers valuable insights into the process of finding a solution to life’s most challenging conundrums, but also provides fifty-two real-life examples of how it’s been achieved—leaving a firm belief in each of our minds that even the most difficult situations can be overcome, one thought at a time. “A lyrical journey, providing a rhythm and heartbeat that captivated my attention and moved my whole being right until the final word . . . Reading this book will definitely light a spark and bring it to the surface of your awareness.” —James F. Twyman, New York Times–bestselling author

Zia S M A P To Growing Young

Author :Zia Wesley
ISBN :9781614172444
Genre :Fiction
File Size : 76.51 MB
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What if you could look years younger without a facelift, without skin resurfacing, without a laser peel, without any temporary fixes meant to fool the eye? What if you could simply grow young? With Zia Wesley's M.A.P. (Master Anti-aging Plan) to Growing Young, you can. Join critically-acclaimed, bestselling skin-care author Zia Wesley as she shares her holistic step-by-step processes to 'youthing' naturally, from the inside out. REVIEWS: 'Zia Wesley offers hope (and skin-care advice) for aging baby boomers' ~Daily Herald OTHER TITLES BY ZIA WESLEY: Zia's M.A.P to Basic Skin Care Zia's M.A.P to Skin Care for Men

Becoming Supernatural

Author :Joe Dispenza
ISBN :9781401953096
File Size : 90.75 MB
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Joe Dispenza draws on research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform their lives. Readers will learn that we are, quite literally, beings of light; how we can tune in to frequencies beyond our material experience to receive a more orderly stream of consciousness and energy; and how, if we do this enough, we can develop a more efficient, coherent, healthy body, mind and spirit

How To Win With High Self Esteem

Author :Douglas, Mack R.
ISBN :1455606073
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Covers the sources of self-esteem and explains how to cultivate them to promote personal gain

Change Yourself

Author :D. Hariri
ISBN :1688808949
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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself The author of the book depends on how you follow the book from one to the other and change your personality completely if you follow the last message - see what we want and want what we do not see lose the value of what we see and get lost in the mirage of money see be careful to lose the value of what you see. Without the opposite meaning, the meaning would not have been meaningful. - There are things and people and even parts of us are going with us on our life journey for a specific purpose and for a specific periodAnd not to accompany us throughout the trip so it is time to let them alone- There are times when we feel it is the end and then reveal that it is the beginning and there are doors we feel that it is closed and then discover that it is the real entrance

You Are The Placebo

Author :Joe Dispenza
ISBN :9781401944582
Genre :Body, Mind & Spirit
File Size : 54.8 MB
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'Throughout history up until present, many cultures have traditionally experienced the effects of verifiable healings, along with hexes, curses, witchcraft, voodoo, and other mysterious phenomena. These effects-many of which were elicited by unscientificmeans-were brought about by the beliefs and lore of the society. Even today, pharmaceutical companies use double- and triple-blind randomized studies in an attempt to exclude of the power of the mind over the body. In You Are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza explores the history, the science, and the practical applications of the so-called placebo effect. Citing many amazing individual cases studies, this compelling book will empower you to personally use 'the expectation of a particular outcome' to alter your internal states-as well as external reality-solely through the action of your mind. It offers the necessary understandings to change old beliefs and perceptions into new ones. In addition, it teaches a model of personal transformation that correlateswith the placebo effect-without the need for any external influences ('placebos' such as sugar pills, saline injections, and so on). You Are the Placebo combines the latest research in neuroscience, biology, psychology, hypnosis, behavioral conditioning, and quantum physics to demystify the workings of the placebo effect. and show how the seemingly impossible can become possible. '--

You Are The Placebo Banner Picture Cards

Author :Joe Dispenza
ISBN :0986377724
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With a healthier brain you become physically enhance, happier, wealthier, wiser and just make better decisions!Display these attractive reminders around your house, office or any other place to inspire you and keep you present to your greatest potential.Ready for framing or hang as is.Size: 5'x7' each (postcard thickness).Set of 8 different designs:Quote from Dr. Joe.Elevated Emotions vs. Limited Emotions.Anatomy of Beliefs & Perceptions.Your Personality Creates Your Personal Reality.Crossing the River of Change.Brain Waves - Getting Beyond the Analytical Mind.Incoherence, Entraining Matter to a New Mind, Coherence.Quote from Dr. Joe.

Becoming Supernatural

Author :Dr. Joe Dispenza
ISBN :9781401953102
Genre :Body, Mind & Spirit
File Size : 27.77 MB
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The author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo, as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform themselves and their lives. Becoming Supernatural marries the some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life. Readers will learn that we are, quite literally supernatural by nature if given the proper knowledge and instruction, and when we learn how to apply that information through various meditations, we should experience a greater expression of our creative abilities; that we have the capacity to tune in to frequencies beyond our material world and receive more orderly coherent streams of consciousness and energy; that we can intentionally change our brain chemistry to initiate profoundly mystical transcendental experiences; and how, if we do this enough times, we can develop the skill of creating a more efficient, balanced, healthy body, a more unlimited mind, and greater access to the realms of spiritual truth. Topics include: • Demystifying the body’s 7 energy centers and how you can balance them to heal • How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind • How you can create reality in the generous present moment by changing your energy • The difference between third-dimension creation and fifth-dimension creation • The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality • The distinction between Space-Time vs. Time-Space realities And much more...

The Courage To Be Yourself

Author :Sue Patton Thoele
ISBN :9781573246767
Genre :Self-Help
File Size : 63.56 MB
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Geared to women who too often find themselves meeting the wants of others at the expense of their own needs, The Courage to Be Yourselfprovides necessary tools to help readers transform their fears into the courage to express their own authentic selves. By sharing her own journey and the journey of other women, Sue Patton Thoele helps readers learn to set boundaries, change self-defeating behavior patterns, communicate effectively, and, most importantly, become a loving and tolerant friend to themselves. This new edition replaces older edition 9781573245692 .

All Men Are Jerks Until Proven Otherwise

Author :Daylle Deanna Schwartz
ISBN :1580620485
Genre :Family & Relationships
File Size : 71.17 MB
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Explains why men act the way they do and what they think about relationships, dating, and sex, and teaches women what to say and do to get love and affection without feeling used and hurt

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