Lightdm Greeter Themes

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Sudo pacman -S lightdm-webkit2-greeter Other LightDM Greeters: lightdm-kde-greeter – This is a greeter used with KDE4. Lightdm-deepin-greeter – It is a greeter from Deepin project. Lightdm-unity-greeter – Used by Unity. Lightdm-pantheon-greeter – Used by Elementary OS project. Lightdm-gtk-greeter – Default LightDM greeter. Simple display manager (GTK+ greeter) lightdm-gtk-greeter is greeter shell for the LightDM login manager. It uses the GTK+ toolkit and integrates well with desktop environment using that toolkit, like the Xfce desktop environment. Lightdm-webkit-theme-aether AUR: A sleek, straightforward Archlinux themed login screen written on lightdm and the lightdm-webkit2-greeter. You can set the default greeter by changing the Seat:. section of the LightDM configuration file, like so.

Lightdm Greeter ThemesLightdmTheme

I'm using Mint Xfce, so it might not apply, but in my application menu under System theres an item called Login Window. Under the second tab (Local), there are both Add and Remove buttons. Presumably, I can use the Add button to add one of those login window themes. And then, in my case - since I've set it to 'random, from selected,' - I would check the box beside the one that appears in the list after I add it to the other 33 or so that were preinstalled when I installed Mint (14 Xfce).


Customize Lightdm

IDK if that is an Xfce thing or if it's a Mint thing. (And if what you're asking about is the same that is in the newer Mint 15 - the animated WebGL/HTML(?) stuff where you can 'steer' your flight through the clouds, the non-WebGL animated theme collection by Sam Riggs, et cetera, then IDK about that, either, because I haven't tried it yet). BUT, you might look to see if you have that 'Login Window' in the System section of your menu and, if so, look under the 'local' tab. Unfortunately, I'm not clear on the differences between LightDM, MDM, GDM, etc., so IDK which are what and whether the same options apply to them. Still, much of the time I find the more common configuration settings in either the System section or the Settings (Settings is, I think, just for the 'after Xfce loads' stuff, but System has more system-wide stuff - which makes sense because it's called System).

Lightdm Webkit2 Themes


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