Pastoral Aide Committee
Pastor Aide Program Themes For School
Use these pastor anniversary theme ideas to help plan your annual celebration program, banquet, or service. The anniversary of the date when your pastor first joined your church staff is an important time of year. As I said on the Pastors Anniversary page, this event can help a church honor the past, evaluate the present, and plan for the future.
- PASTOR’S AIDE MINISTRY Mission Statement To provide support to the Pastor and his family spiritually and professionally. To lead the congregation in fulfilling the Biblical responsibilities of providing for the Pastor and to aid him that he may faithfully and effectively fulfill his Pastoral responsibilities.
- Sep 29, 2017 Other food ideas include spaghetti or pasta dinners, which allow you to cook large quantities of food for large groups quickly and easily. Have each member of the congregation pay a nominal fee to come eat on a designated night. Advertise that the money will go to pastor's aid to help motivate people to attend.
The Pastor’s Aide Committee assists the Pastor within the ministry; serving as caretakers of the Pastor and his family. The purpose of the Pastor’s Aide Committee is to provide service to the Pastor, ensuring that he is fully equipped, prepared, and able to fulfill his responsibilities in leading the congregation. The committee provides the support needed to the pastor and his family, whether it be in the form of prayer, encouragement through words, or other actions that show their love and gratitude to the pastoral family. Members must be prepared to assist by caring for the pastor’s belongings, anticipating the pastor’s needs and demands so as to properly furnish and supply what is needed.
Our Mission: To serve and be of support to our pastor and his family in all areas of their lives with the love of God, ensuring their needs are met at all times.
The Pastor’s Aide Committee keeps track of the pastor’s birthday and other special anniversaries or occasions, and may plan activities for these events. They will plan or assist other ministries in putting together special activities for Father’s Day, Pastor’s Appreciation Day and vacation, and assist the pastor in whatever he may need to best meet his goals for serving the congregation.